Scale Modelling Manual Vol.10
Greek Hoplite on Scratch Built Base
Welcome to the 10th issue in our series of "Scale Modelling Manuals where we offer lots of information about painting and general modelling techniques for all modellers at a competitive price. Up to now each manual we've published covers a specific topic in detail and has offered a lot of different approaches and techniques that in most cases were written by one author. We carefully select and present the content of each manual so that readers should find something new to try and adapt to their own methods.
Each book features high quality photos and a detailed text so readers can easily follow the progress of the assembly and painting of each subject, and gain assistance adopting new modelling techniques and different approaches.
In previous editions the length of each theme was limited due to the number of pages taken for other features, but now there are no such limitations, no omissions or unanswered questions. Depending on the theme and content, real painted colour chips of the hues and mixes have been added with information on how to use them.
This series offers various modelling techniques in Historic and Fantasy, Scale Models, Dioramas, Vignettes, Figures and Busts, along with Painting and Modelling Techniques… Plus some historic subjects you can produce in model form.
In this issue master artist Sergey Popovichenko explains in detail how he created the bow of an Ancient Ship with scale drawings that include dimensions in mm and how he modelled and coloured the waves around the hull. He's included a full painting guide for the colours and mediums he used to paint Seil Models' 54mm Greek Hoplite (SH54034) which, unfortunately is out of production and hard to trace. However, he's added details of seven figure kits from various producers that can be used in place of the Seil Models figure.
Presented within are Modelling Guides with 50 step-by-step photographs in exquisite detail and a detail text, as part of an overall total of 100 illustrations. Sergey reveals all the secrets on how he scratch built the bow section of the ancient ship and how he painted it, and how he placed it on a scenic base of waves to achieve realism when depicting seawater painted with a combination of acrylic paints and oils. Also, see how he managed to represent realistic flesh tones, fabrics, wood, metals and the Gorgonian emblem on the shield in eleven step-by-step photos.
Thanks are due to the following: AK-Interactive (Fernando Vallejo), Andrea Miniatures (Alexandra Fernandez), Vallejo Acrylics (Alex Vallejo), Scale75 (Xavi Tapias), Kimera Colors (Luca Marchetti and Pietro Balloni), Lifecolors (Alessandro Balbo and Rolando Iezzi), Yannis Papadopoulos and our English Text Editor Ken Jones.
Editor / Publisher
Stelios Demiras
- Creating The Bow section of an Ancient Greek Ship with Model Drawings Dimensioned in mm, plus Modelling and Colouring the Waves on the Sea
- Painting the Figure – Shield and Body Painting
- Appendix – Linear drawings of the Ship's Bow with Dimensions in mm
- Similar figures of Greek Hoplites in 54mm
ISSN: 2732-8856